RHO : Topics : Family Planning Program Issues

Family Planning Program Issues

Family planning helps couples space births, prevent unwanted pregnancies, and avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. The focus of this section is on how to make high-quality family planning services accessible to women and men in low-resource settings by improving program management. In recent years, family planning programs have made great progress both in improving the quality of care and overcoming barriers to access.  Research is continuing on how to design cost-efficient operations that meet individual client needs.

Browse this site to view current thinking about the best way to design and implement a family planning program, summaries of research on management challenges, information about service delivery issues, links to online resources, and examples of various approaches being used to improve the delivery of family planning services.

If you are interested in technical information on contraceptive methods, including an up-to-date review of medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use, see RHO's Contraceptive Methods section.