<Home> <Health-an Islamic Perspective> <AIDS: The role of Islamic Sexual Rules in Prevention>













Dr. Abdul Wahab Noorwali
Dr. Anwar A. R. El-Awad


In 1981 the first cases of the acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) were reported in the U.S.A. as cases of pneumocystis Carinii pneumoia in association with the rare skin malignant diseases,Kaposi Sarcoma. These early cases were identified in young homosexual men from California and New Yok. Soon a world-wide concern steadily escalated as more and more cases were being described.

In the last two and a half years more than 2000 cases AIDS have been reported from all over the United States and other Western countries. Of all cases reported 71% were reported in young male homosexuals. In addition AIDS has ben reported in women who were sexual partners of men with AIDS.

All the epidemiological data collected up to now about this mysterious syndrome point to the improtant role of person-to-person transmission occurring through sexual contact. This route of transmission could be very important since up to now, the majority of patients reported are young amle homosexuals, especially those with several sex partners.

The world-wide concern and tension that accompanied spread of this syndrome is justifiably arising from the fact that the causative agent(s) of this syndrome is still unknown in additionto the high mortality rate associated with this syndrome.

AIDS is characterized by a remarkable immunological deficiency affecting mainly the cellular arm of the immune response. This immunological defect resides mainly within the T-lymphocyte population. The humoral immunity is usually normal. In these patients there is a marked lymphopenia with mainly a decrease in the helper susbset of the T-lymphocyte. This leads to an inversion of the TH: TS ratio.


Abdullah Bin Omer reported that the prophet (PBUH) said,

'..."Whenever adultery and homosexuality becomes spread in a society
and they make the public then plague and other diseases which were
not previously known to their predecessors will appear and spread among them".

In this Hadith the term Fahisha is used to signify both homosexuality and illegitimate sexual relationship between a man and a woman i.e. adultery. Both these two practices have now become prevalent and accepted attitudes among various age groups and social classes in the western permissive society. As a result of this sexual permissiveness, it is rather not surprising to find a high incidence of various and serious sexually transmitted diseases in these societies. The appearance of the new syndrome, AIDS, mainly transmitted by sexual contact is a good example of these serious sexually transmitted diseases. It is important to note here that the Haidth did not only mention the spreadof the Fahisha, but also stressed the fact that these societies have gone too far in their permissive attitude tot he extent that they make it public and accept the Fahisha as the normal forum of sexual relationship. This situation within the western societies, is very much similar to the one described in the Hadith with regards to both the spread and publicity of the Fahisha in its broad sense i.e. adultery and homosexuality.

According to the Hadith there is a clear warning that if Fahisha becomes spread in a society and reaches a high level then plague or plague-like diseases could spread. There is no mention, up to now, of the appearance of plague among the people of these societies. However, there are some similarities between plague and AIDS in relation to the epidemiological patterns. For instance, both diseases are known to ocur in the form of epidemics and the perhaps the person-to-person route of spread may be of some importance. Furthermore in both conditions the mortality rate is very high. Due, perhaps, to these similarities it is not surprising that the term "Gays' Plague" is now being used by the public in the U.S. to coin AIDS. The use of this terminology i.e. Gays' Plague for this syndrome that occurs as a result of the spread of adultery and homosexuality confirms what has already been mentioned in the Hadith about one thousand and four hundred years ago. Due to the fact that the causative agent(s) and some other aspects of AIDS are still unclear, it may be possible that the on-going and future research in this disease may indicate a possible relationship between plague and AIDS.

The recent description of this new Syndrome as a consequence of sexual permissiveness which was not known to previous conservative generations is also another confirmation of what has already been mentioned in the hadith that the spread of the Fahisha will ultimately lead to the appearance of serious diseases which were unknown to the previous generations.

In another Hadith the prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Said:
"Whenever adultery becomes spread in a society death will increase"

The fact that AIDS is associated with a very high mortality rate i.e. about 40%5 confirms what was stated in the above mentioned Hadith. This high mortality rate may be resulting from either the occurrence of severe infections with opportunistic organisms or the development of some forms of Cancers e.g. Kaposi Sarcoma or both. In addition to AIDS other sexually transmitted diseases which are associated with the spread of adultery and homosexuality e.g. Syphilis, Cervical Cancer, Genital Herpes, B-hepatitis etc. have always been associated with various and serious complications and death may be a terminal complication.



Islam has laid down every clear measures preventing the appearance of such diseases by stressing the importance of healthy and legitimate sexual relationships. It has encouraged marriage and facilitated its procedures. The prophet Mohammed (PBUH) advised the youth to get married when they have the means to do so and he explained the uses of marriage as a deed that protects one from adultery and controls his vision from unnecessary looking at foreign women.

In addition Islam prohibited not only adultery and homosexuality, but also all the illegitimate ways and means that stimulate and initiate the desire for committing adultery e.g. complete integration in life between males and females, the projection of women as sex symbol and drinking of alcohol.

In the above mentioned verse "NORCOME NIGH TO ADULTERY" does not mean that Muslims should avoid adultery, but it actually carries a much wider meaning that they should also avoid the ways and means which will stimulate and initiate the desire to have illegitimate sexual relationships.


1- The appearance and spread of Fahisha "adultery and homosexuality" will lead to a high incidence of serious sexually-transmitted diseases.
2 It may also lead to the appearance and spread of more new and serious plague or plague-like diseases e.g. AIDS which were not known previously.
3- The spread of these diseases in association with the sexual permissiveness in a society will eventually be related to a very high mortality rate.
4- Islam has laid down clear preventive measures against these diseases by encouraging youth to get married and by prohibiting adultery and homosexuality.


1. CENTRES FOR DISEASE CONTROL. "Pneumocystis pneumonia Los Angeles." Morbid Mortal Weekly Rep. (1981); 30, 250.
2. CENTRES FOR DISEASE CONTROL. "Kaposi's Sarcoma and pneumocystics pneumonia among homosexual men" - New York City and California. Morbid Mortal Weekly Rep. (1981); 30, 305.
3. CURRAN, J.W. (1983) "Aids two years later" New England J. Medicine, 309, 609.
4. HARRIS, C. BUTKUS SMALL C., KLEIN, R.S. et al(1983) "Immunodeficiency in female sexual partners of men with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" New Eng. J. Medicine 308, 1181.
5. GOTTLIEB, M.S. et al (1983) "The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome". Annals Int. Medicine, 99, 208.
6. STAHL, R.E., FRIEDMAN-KIEN, A. DURBIN, R. MARMAR, M. ZOLLA-PAZNER, S. (1982) "Immunological abnormalities in homosexual men: relationship to Kaposi's Sarcoma". Am. J. Med; 73, 171.


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