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Catalogue Online
Abuse (10)
Alcohol and other drugs (9)
Asthma (9)
Cancer (12)
Death and Dying (3)
Dental Care (4)
Diabetes (9)
Disabilities (2)
Diseases and Conditions (43)
Early Childhood (100)
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Eyes (4)
Feet (5)
Food Safety (5)
Forms Letters and Signs (15)
General Health (9)
Health Services (20)
Heart (5)
Hepatitis (5)
Immunisation (3)
Infant and Child Feeding (14)
Infant Health (33)
Injury Prevention (28)
Maternity (38)
Medical Procedures Instructions and Tests (16)
Men's Health (4)
Mental Health/Illness (20)
Nutrition (20)
Older People (8)
Parenting (12)
Physiotherapy (51)
Pregnancy and Post-Natal (10)
Sexual Health (15)
Tobacco (7)
Women's Health (9)

Title : 12 alternatives to hitting your child
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : DOH-5815
Publication Date : 1/03/2000
Author : Committee on Child Abuse of Hong Kong
Summary : 12 alternatives to hitting your child
Title : Before you hit a child - stop and think
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : BHC-3060
Publication Date : 9/06/1997
Author : NSW Health
Summary : Preventing child abuse. Information and services.
Title : Child Protection
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : DOH-5810
Publication Date : 1/03/2000
Author : Committee on Child Abuse of Hong Kong
Summary : What is child protection?Role of the Department of Community Services
Title : Domestic violence hurts the whole family
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : BHC-4450
Publication Date : 26/01/1998
Author : NSW Health
Summary : What domestic violence is. Why it's not a private matter but a problem affecting our society. Services available for people experiencing domestic violence.
Title : Preventing child sexual assault
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : BHC-3745
Publication Date : 9/09/1997
Author : NSW Health
Summary : The facts about child sexual assault. Signs that a child has been sexually assaulted.How parents can help.
Title : Protecting Children and Young People and reporting to the Department of Community Services
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : BHC-6975
Publication Date : 1/04/2004
Author : NSW Health
Summary : Information about the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.Reporting children and young people at risk and the role of the Department of Community Services (DoCS).
Title : What is Child Abuse?
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : DOH-5820
Publication Date : 1/03/2000
Author : Committee on Child Abuse of Hong Kong
Summary : Child abuse is defined as any act of omission or commission that endangers or impairs a child's physical/psychological/emotional health and development.
Title : What is Child Neglect?
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : DOH-5825
Publication Date : 1/03/2000
Author : Committee on Child Abuse of Hong Kong
Summary : Child neglect is also one form of child abuse. It can easily be overlooked because its symptoms are not as obvious as physical or psychological abuse.
Title : What is Physical Abuse?
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : DOH-5830
Publication Date : 1/03/2000
Author : Committee on Child Abuse of Hong Kong
Summary : Any physical punishment that causes injury to a child or any non-accidental use of violence or poison that causes injury or death to a child can be regarded as physical abuse.
Title : What Is Psychological Abuse?
Subject : Abuse
Publication Number : DOH-5835
Publication Date : 1/03/2000
Author : Committee on Child Abuse of Hong Kong
Summary : The behaviour and attitude of any person that negligently or purposely endangers or impairs the behavioural, intellectual, emotional or physical functioning of a child is regarded as psychological abuse.
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1997 Australian Internet Awards - Winners This site has been made possible with the cooperation and support of
NSW Health Dept and South Eastern Sydney Area Health Service.