Epilepsy resource pack for general practioners

Epilepsy is the most common serious neurological condition seen in general practice but unfortunately its management is often less than ideal.

With effective management of the condition, about 70 per cent of people with active epilepsy could become seizure free, but at present only 52 per cent of patients are seizure free.

The profile of epilepsy management in General Practice has been raised following several key initiatives:

  • the General Medical Services (GMS) contract.
  • the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines for epilepsy. They place an emphasis on a structured management system for epilepsy in primary care that incorporates annual review.
  • the National Service Framework (NSF) for Long-term Conditions.

In order to help GP practices and their patients with epilepsy benefit from the GMS contract and NICE guidance, we have updated the Epilepsy Resource Pack. The pack includes an information booklet and tool kit designed to facilitate:

  • the identification of patients with epilepsy
  • the systematic review of all patients with epilepsy
  • the identification and effective referral of patients requiring specialist review
  • the effective recording of data in order to fulfil the requirement of the GMS contract and improve epilepsy management in the long-term.

The first version of this resource was circulated last year and feedback from GPs has been excellent:

Other files of use (all these files are Microsoft Word documents):

See also Epilepsy Action's 'Epilepsy Aware' scheme, a new campaign to make GP practices and pharmacies more aware of the needs of people with epilepsy.