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Other HARPWEB sites

Communicate - multilingual appointment card

Local resources - UK database of important local resources

Harp Mental Health and Well-being Resource - website for health professionals involved in assisting asylum seekers and refugees

WHO: Media Centre

This link takes you to the news and media centre of the World Health Organization - type 'refugee' or 'asylum' into the search on the page for the latest information and news. Available in 6 languages.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:35]

The Refugee Council

This site includes links to: news review; current news; press myths; news/press release archive; press releases; speeches and media links.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:34]

Refugee Education

Refed is a discussion list set up to support teachers and other professionals who work with refugee children and families. By joining the list (free), you will be able to share resources and information; publicise courses and publications; discuss practice issues with other members; ask questions or request information from list members. An excellent resource.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:34]

Asylum Support: resource directory on the web

An extensive list of resources and links for people working with asylum seekers, includes latest news and information from links on the left of the page.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:35]

United Nations High Commission for Refugees

The UNHCR has daily international asylum and refugee news and updated information.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:36]

Forced Migration Online

FMO provides access to a variety of online resources and information on human displacement and dealing with the situation of forced migrants worldwide.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:36]

Information from Asylum Support

Provides: ' the asylum, immigration and rights information gateway'. This is a free email newsletter service on Asylum, Immigration and Rights.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:36]

Child Advocacy International

Provides up-to-date articles, newletters and information.

Link [Last update: 2007-01-05; 10:35]

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