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Racial attacks and harassment cause serious problems for many black, minority ethnic and minority religious communities and some asylum seekers may find themselves subject to abuse. The Race Relations Act 1976, as amended by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, makes it unlawful to discriminate against anyone on grounds of race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), or ethnic or national origin. The amended act also imposes general duties on many public authorities to promote racial equality racial harassment is verbal or physical aggression towards individuals or groups because of their colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origin and includes attacks on property as well as people. If a person is experiencing racial harassment and violence then it is important that they tell someone before it gets any worse. If the incident is particularly serious, please contact the police immediately on 999 or contact your local police. People and families living in fear of racist attacks and intimidation are often seriously affected by their ordeal and racism can influence a person's mental and physical health. Racism should never be tolerated.

The Refugee Council: 'Are you a victim of racial harrassment?' (12 languages)

These downloadable leaflets explain the steps people can take if they are a victim of racial harassment in the UK. Available in over 18 languages.

Link [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:08]

The Commission for Racial Equality

CRE is a publicly funded, non-governmental body set up under the Race Relations Act 1976 to tackle racial discrimination and promote racial equality. It works in the public and private sectors to encourage fair treatment and to promote equal opportunities for all, regardless of their race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origin.

Link [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:06]

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

This is an independent national voluntary organisation, campaigning for justice and combating racism in immigration and asylum law and policy. JCWI provides free advice and casework, training courses, plus a range of publications.

Link [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:09]

Black Information Link (BLINK): Information on racial harassment

An information exchange for Asian, African and Caribbean community groups and organisations, site includes information on racial harassment.

Link [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:09]

Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE)

Works promoting racial equality.
Address: 33 Seymour Place, London, W1H 6AT.
Tel: 020-8455 0896, Fax: 020-8458 4700.

Link Email [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:11]

Electronic Immigration Network

Site aims to link major information providers with advice workers and practitioners dealing with all issues relating to immigration, refugee and nationality law and practice in the UK. Information available in over 15 languages.

Link [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:13]

Commission for Racial Equality: Race Relations Act

This section of CRE site provides a summary of some of the main provisions of the Race Relations Act, including the different forms of racial discrimination, and the scope of the Race Relations Act in terms of the situations and organisations to which the provisions will apply and relevant exceptions.

Link [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:16]


Aimed at children but useful site for all. Includes: Chart of main UK language and religious groups; UK immigration law; minority ethnic groups: numbers; post-war timeline of minority ethnic groups in UK; racial discrimination: the law; Islamophobia; minority ethnic groups: employment patterns; words and terminology about 'race'; crime and 'stop and search'; racist attacks and harassment; religious discrimination. Section on refugees and asylum seekers.

Link [Last update: 2006-10-12; 17:14]

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